On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 10:03:16PM +0000, Chris Benson wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]       ??
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]        ??
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]       ??
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]       ??      <<- the correct one, grrrh 

You can hack your mail server to allow for this... *evil grin*

> In the past I have favoured '-' to separate words.
> I think I've convinced myself leaving them out is simpler: 
> saying                www.engineeringtheimpossible "all one word" .co.uk
> is easier than distinguishing between - and _ and telling party on other
> end of phone where the character is on their keyboard!

There's another issue where hyphenated URLs broken across a newline
contain dashes -- is that dash part of the URL or not? (assuming it's
not correctly marked up with an <a>)


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