On Fri, 25 Jan 2002, Paul Makepeace wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 02:28:01PM +0000, Chris Carline wrote:

> > The structure of the HTML page is also extremely important in how
> > searched-for words are weighted in the engine - namely, if search
> > terms appear in titles and headers, or in bold, or in a big font, near
> > the top of a page, then google is significantly more likely to favour
> > your page to a.n. other's - page rank has less of an effect because
> > your actual subject-match weighting is better.
> Can you provide some info to back up these claims about the operation of
> Google?

I think he read the interview with one of the Google blokes in last
Thursday's Guardian Online for which I now can't find the link.

"We're off to see the elves."

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