On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 09:44:20PM +0000, The address I am subscribed from (as if a 
header can be verified as being from the real me) wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 03:53:34PM +0000, Simon Wistow wrote:
> > The one advantage of Word is that you cna password protect it so tat
> > AgentScum can't edit it.
> Has anyone actually tried pulling this trick on the pimps?
> If so, how do they react?
> And how effective is Word's lockdown? Does it not let you edit the document,
> but lift it wholesale with Copy&Paste?

My girlfrienf does this. No one has yet complained. She also embeds an 
image loaded via http into the page so that she can see when someone loads 
her cv (personal 'firewalls' tend to notice this) into word on their pc.

love is the shit that makes life bloom

      • ... Simon Wilcox
        • ... Nicholas Clark
  • ... Randal L. Schwartz
    • ... Robert Shiels
      • ... Roger Burton West
        • ... Robert Shiels
          • ... Roger Burton West
    • ... Dave Thorn
      • ... Simon Wistow
        • ... The address I am subscribed from (as if a header can be verified as being from the real me)
          • ... Nic Gibson
          • ... Robert Shiels
    • ... Piers Cawley

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