On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 06:42, Ivor Williams wrote:

> That must make writing perl quite painful. !-)
> I suppose you would get used to it though. AltGr becomes just another shift
> key.

I was at a client site in Rome, using my fifth keyoboard layout for the
month, trying to write a little perl.  It took a half hour to track down
somebody in the office who knew how to make a tilde. ~.  Or it may have
been another symbol.  Ten different people were asked, none knew. grrr.

Of course part of the problem was my lack of Italian, and many humourous
hand signals trying to explain what bit of weird punctuation I needed. 

The weirdest thing about the office was seeing an ashtray on top of a
Sun 4500.  The espresso was great too.

Asked why the right wing despises him so, the former president answered
simply, "Because I won."

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