Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
> Mike Jarvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The espresso was great too.
> Man, tell me about it. I had a couple of days in Milan once and
> apart from the instant itchy eyes and nasal streaming from the
> pollution, it was one long pasta-fuelled caffeine rush.

I remember Milan. I had to change planes there twice. On the way there, I
had one hour to change planes, and the first plan was an hour late. Result:
the lady from the checkout desk ran with me down the walkway when she saw me
approaching and knocked on the window of the cockpit to get him to open the
door again (it had just closed five minutes before). I got to my destination
but my luggage didn't :(

To make up for it, on the way back, I had lots and lots of time to change
since they cancelled the onward flight ... but they didn't tell anyone until
we had waited for about four hours, just kept postponing it and postponing
it until at about 10:30 pm they admitted it was cancelled. Poor lady at the
gate was quite harried; after all, she couldn't do anything about the
situation but the other passengers didn't care sometimes. Spent a night in a
Milan hotel and we all managed to get on the first plane next morning. (But
all those who hadn't taken their luggage to the hotel with them, instead
trusting in the assurance that it would automatically be loaded onto the
same flight, arrived without luggage. Me, I didn't care since I hadn't got
mine back in the first place -- it eventually did arrive at my home,

Philip Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
All opinions are my own, not my employer's.
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

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