On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 10:12:20AM +0000, Paul Mison said:
[ snip bits about adding letters ]

That was the second bit I was going to add but I scooted to work before
the traditional Monday Morning Victoria Line madness. 

> Mind you, I'm with Simon on syzygy. A rather obscure astronomical term
> doesn't seem to have any resonance with their business; I'm fairly
> certain it was chosen because it 'looks cool'.

Not so cool now. Are they? Hahahahah. I walk past them every day and
LAUGH! Especially when they come upstairs sniffing for jobs. Hahahaha.


Seriously. I think I'm jinxed. Never let me work above your company.
Sportal. Syzygy. Technically I was working for Dynamical Systems
Research for the first few months I was at Digital Mobility. In an
office above DM.

Bust. All bust.

Anyway, even more seriously, and, remember, this is me, Mr
Branding-makes-me-vomit [0], I don't blame Cosignia for rebranding.
Let's face it, it's not like they started the whole monstrous process
and it's not their fault that the general public actually seem to like
being dazzled by a shiny veneer of gloss. Oooh, look at the sparkly

And picking on Syzygy is unfair too. It's not like they;re the only ones
that sound 'cool'. Look at the list of names I mentioned before. Add
Oven, Deepend, Metrius, whatever PWC's nu meeja arm are (HeadCount?) ,
umm [looks around his desk] Vaio, Adope, Macromedia, Apple, Compaq,
Satama, Vizzavi, iJack, Lucent, Corel. The list goes on and on.

God, I can't believe I'm arguing this side. 

Nuke'em NUKE 'EM ALL.


[0] I won't buy any 'globalised' brands for a start. Giving up Marathons
wasn't so hard but Opal Fruits was more of a problem. Or I won't buy
anything that sells a lifestyle instead of a product. Fortunately Gap
make shit clothes. Unfortunatley my boss's wife is head of Gap Europe
and apparently, thanks to a rather polite email from their Systems team,
some of their backend use one of my Perl modules. 

Maybe I need a modified dual licence.

: it's pretty hard to look miserable when you're spinning on your head

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