--- Barbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > From: "Chris
> >     Barbie> And perhaps not too surprisingly the
> intelligence of the
> >     Barbie> average person has been declining.
> >
> > It has?  I wouldn't say so.
> It was taken from some study into education about 3
> years ago. My other half
> used to be a reception teacher and was tasked with
> assessing kids for their
> immediate school years. She had to read through tons
> of studies and reports
> and the like and that was just one extract.
> Having net access does not equate to intelligence.
> There are plenty of kids
> who know how to surf the web and play Quake, but ask
> them some basic
> questions about the world we live in and many are
> stumped. I remember a
> program awhile back that asked kids what was the
> Queen of England's name,
> Victoria Beckham was one answer and only a few got
> it right.

Hmmm, so intelligence equates to memorization of
meaningless facts?  

Color me unconvinced


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