On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Paul Mison wrote:

> This touches on something that came up elsewhere, about meeting people
> straight away. The problem is (or at least, has been in the past) that
> there are regulars who arrive at 6 and inevitably form a small group,
> and newcomers have to squeeze into that. Generally, of course, we do
> look out for folks and try to get them to squeeze in.

If you're having a special 'open day' meeting in a part of the pub you've
taken over, what about a pub-quiz kinda thing where teams are picked
randomly, or, failing that, PS2 and Projector league... Still, I like the
idea that you're lumped on a table with a bunch of other people you may
not know, and you can win some token prize (like a stuffed camel or a
round of drinks) - you're going to end up talking to people


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