On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 10:29:48AM +0000, Struan Donald wrote:
> * at 20/02 10:13 +0000 Paul Mison said:
> > 
> > I know a fixed start time is a possible solution, but it doesn't sound
> > like a good one to me. As to an introductory speech, I doubt I'd be able
> > to talk in front of you lot without a little booze inside me... which
> > would also guarantee not going overboard on them, I think.
> isn't the tradition more on the "wait till it looks like most people
> have turned up and then do any talking things required" lines?

Yes, and I was trying to get across the fact that that's the way I like
it, really.

:: paul
:: the future has been and gone

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