On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 10:18:43AM +0000, Andrew Wilson wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 09:40:55AM +0000, Roger Burton West wrote:

> > RFC2015. Microsoft has chosen not to implement it.
> I despise Microsofts crappy mailer, unfortunately I am forced to use it
> in work.  It doesn't do threading properly either.  it's a steaming pile
> of shite.

Thinking of all the crap Microsoft's mailer has brought to us
(all those lovely bandwidth-friendly e-mail worms) I was wondering:

If the first e-mail worms had cc'ed <foo>@microsoft.com on every message
they'd sent. (where <someone> was something not easily filterable) would
MS have paid a bit more attention to security earlier on?
I fear this may be a very dangerous meme: A worm that also mounts a denial
of service attack on a single third party.

Nicholas Clark
EMCFT http://www.ccl4.org/~nick/CV.html

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