On Tue, Feb 26, 2002 at 07:54:22AM -0800, Paul Makepeace said:
> > Exegesis by Astro Teller.
> OMFG! That was one of the crappiest "books" I've ever read! Wow, I'm
> sorry you had the misfortune to buy it too.
> (Of course, ignore that if you actually liked it :-)

I got it for a quid from a discount book store and quite liked it (it
was the same time as I bought the excellent The Cybergypsies by Indra
Sinha). For some reason it reminded me of The Insult by Rupert Thomson,
Jonathon Livingstone Seagull and K-PAX by Gene Brewer.

I have no idea why though.

: it's pretty hard to look miserable when you're spinning on your head

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