On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 10:38:54 +0000, Simon Wistow wrote:
> Say he's wrong and that turning off an AI is like killing it or whatever.
> Is it morally wrong to run it on unstable OSs like Windows, MacOS. <troll>
> or Linux </troll>
> Ignoring the troll, that is a problem, doncha think?

It sounds like a similar question to "should you have kids if you know
you have an inheritable condition?" Obviously, in the human child case,
you can at least guess how it might feel based on how you feel about your
own condition. However, I'm not sure you can really you can extrapolate
that to an AI.

On the other hand, surely the AI has a reasonable chance if you take regular
backups? :-)

        Peter Haworth   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Just because my fingers are in my ears doesn't mean I'm ignoring you."
                -- Larry Wall

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