On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 09:26:46PM +0000, Jonathan Stowe wrote:
> If you find a single file solution that we could start to bundle with NMS
> then I would be pleased to see it ..
> I would also be interested in a single file pure perl XML parser.

Sounds like AML might be what you're looking for, but I haven't finished
writing it yet...

It's a greatly simplified, stripped down version of an XML-like markup
language.  Retains the structural benefits of XML while giving you the
flexibility of dynamic content generation.  Like separate schemas,
stylesheets and content, but you can roll them all into one.  Small,
simple, easy to parse, easy to extend, easy to transform, mungify, 
and so on.  

Well, something like that.  It'll be great, honest.


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