I, too, have that strange aversion. But, I've always been tempted by Switch.
Anybody have any real world experience with it? How does it perform? Is
there a significant difference between using it and rolling your own switch


----- Original Message -----
From: "Simon Wistow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "london.pm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 3:08 PM
Subject: language extensions

> Damian's written Switch, Marcel's written a thousand and one
> Attribute::Handler modules, there's Source Filters and a shed load of
> other Language Extensions that essentially change the syntax of the
> language [0] ...
> ... so. Who uses them?
> If you're anything like me then you have some unexplained aversion to
> using them. No, I don't know why either. Why is that?
> Has *anybody* written a Source Filter that does anything useful
> (Acme::Buffy doesn't count).
> Simon
> [0] yes, techincally exporting methods into main::, like LWP::Simple's
> get, is changing the syntax but you know what I mean.
> --
> : it's pretty hard to look miserable when you're spinning on your head

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