"Jonathan Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> There was me expecting the net to be flooded with freeware web site load
> testers that just GET a bunch or URLs and draw a graph of times taken.
> Apparently I was wrong. I have discovered an impressive number of
> unuseably bad Java applications and some very simple command line things
> that mostly aren't even multi-threaded or forking.
> Am I missing something obvious or am I about to write my own? I only
> want basic stuff like handling cookies, POST requests, and simulating
> concurrent access by different user agents. Throttling (to simulate
> modem users) would be an added bonus.
> I've nothing against paying for a commercial app but I didn't find any
> promising looking ones of those, either.
> Ho Hum. More LWP....

I'm using ApacheBench (on CPAN) at the moment, but it doesn't do
graphing and I'm not sure how many other things on your list it also
doesn't handle.  :-(

I've also heard of people using http_load (www.acme.com) in the past,
but I don't know what that's like.

If you want to do shell scripts, you might want to look at curl
(http://curl.haxx.se) which also has a perl library behind it and
supports large quantities of stuff.


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