On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, Steve Keay wrote:

> Anyone using the Alcatel drivers (modprobe speedtch, etc) should
> immediately change to the Benoit system.  It's easy to do, and is
> *much* better.  Tar files of my setup available upon request, etc.

Yes, benoit's drivers rock. But are you using pppoa3 or pppoa2? I've got
this setup (pppoa3), and it fails in one of two ways: either

* the psu[1] sags a bit ('cos the alcatel foot-pump takes a fair bit of
current) and the box reboots, or 

* the box stays up, but the connection dies - and when I kill pppd to
restart everything in userspace, *then* the box dies... fishy. 

Anyway, tomorrow I get one of these:

(£118 from www.solwise.co.uk)

and all will hopefully be well.


[1] ... a spare sparc 10, actually. the router is a little embedded
pentium board.

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