From: "Greg McCarroll" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * Paul Makepeace ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Hmm, would've seemed to me the more natural choice to me,
> > being the source code rather than the compiled output. Besides,
> > Britain's a classless society as Andrew B will surely remind us... :-)
> Why Andrew? "Classless" is a communist/socialist ideal, not something
> that either Andrew or the current government would approve of ;-)

Making a classless society is a Major undertaking, although any society with
Greg as a member would almost certainly be without class ;-)

The concept and experience of class is changing though - many more people,
probably the majority, see themselves as some form of middle class nowadays,
in contrast to, say, thirty or forty years ago.

I wonder if it would be true to say that being working class or middle class
nowadays is, in many respects, self-determinable - being down to skills,
attitude, outlook, aspiration, family tradition, etc. - hence, it being
possible for a bus driver or a postman to be middle class, yet a teacher or
a programmer might see themselves as working class (perhaps even our very
own 'werker', Comrade Cantrell :-)

Those who think in terms of class war, seem to me, like the Japanese
soldiers who emerged from remote tropical jungles, still fighting the second
world war decades after it finished. Maybe that's why they're re-branding
themselves as 'anti-capitalists'.


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