Well it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise to a lot of you that
Perl isn't the only language, after all there is Rindolf and Parrot
assembler as well. 

However, I have recently heard of yet another language, its called
Java and it seems terribly popular. Well it turns out that a number of
our brethren are already using it, wheter it be for whacky applets for
the web, miniature programs for mobiles or exceptional applications
for the enterprise. Along with these folks a lot of people are
learning it/improving their knowledge of it in their spare time for a
variety of reasons, including general interest and jumping the sinking
ship ;-).

However a lot of the mainstream usergroups/communities are either very
commercial or full of tossers who genuflect at the mention of Grady
Booch and his apostles the Gang of Four. So I thought, if only there
was a list that had the same callibre (or lack therof) of person as
London.pm and wanted to talk about Java, then I could go and ask all
my stupid Java questions there. And so a mailing list was created on
Penderel (thanks Jo!) called London.class, and all who are interested
in general chit chat about their use of Java are welcome, the details
are at ...



p.s. i've already got my first stupid quesiton about Java, but i'll
save it for when we have a few more people subscribed.

Greg McCarroll                       

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