On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 06:56:46AM +0000, Dave Cross wrote:
> Oops. I've pissed of Liz Castro again. She really objects to my new Amazon
> review of her book - http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0201735687 

This would be the review that says
  "It's certainly the best of the beginners Perl and CGI boks out there
   at the moment" ?

> to the fact that I've been directing people to other books on her web site,
> e.g. http://www.cookwood.com/cgi-bin/lcastro/perlbbs.pl?read=7739.

To a question that's asking about learning "PERL" in general? Rather
than to do with CGI, in a context that implies (given the other reviews
on Amazon) that they're wanting to learn Perl so they can use the
concepts in her book?

> She objects so much, in fact that she's asked me not to post to her web site

Sounds like quite an overreaction to me ...


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