On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 10:23:59AM +0800, Matthew Robinson wrote:
> As far as I'm aware all the normal CGI calling mechanisms work fine, it is
> just mod_perl that has a problem.  Normal CGIs work because Apache on Win32
> simply execs a perl process for each CGI script which is pretty much the
> same as on UNIX.

On NT4, spawning a new process incurs a greater overhead than on Unix.
This makes things like mod_perl (or ISAPI if you're using IIS) a good
idea.  I'm assuming Windows 2000 is much the same in this respect, but
that's just a guess.

It's probably worth looking into running either a lightweight Apache
with mod_proxy or Squid (with Cygwin) as a front-end server (although
I've never run either of these on Windows), handing off requests to
your mod_perl enabled server.  This is discussed in the Guide, which
has already been recommended.

I'd definitely avoid running a virtual Linux machine under Windows as
a serious solution - it's too early in the morning to consider things
like that...


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