Alex McLintock wrote:
> In theory this is ok - Apache and mod_perl should run ok on Windows 2000
> shouldn't it?
I run Apache 1.3.22 / mod_perl 1.26 on a 2000 box for development purposes
only, and it works fine ... for a single client, that is ...

> Unfortunately when even ultra simple cgi scripts get called the apache
> process starts sucking up memory a lot.
That would be the multi-process vs. multi-thread issue that the other posts
in this thread mentioned. Although the build I'm running is the native win32
version of Apache/mod_perl, at one point I did build it under Cygwin. That
version did indeed spawn multiple processes; however, it was awfully buggy.
Various processes crashed without warning. Then when I tried to stop the
server, other processes would refuse to die and I had to hunt them down and
kill them one by one.

Maybe Cygwin's fork emulation, etc. has improved since the last time I tried
this (a few months ago), but in my experience it's definitely not yet ready
for production. And even if it does become stable, I have a feeling it would
still be a memory hog due to the overhead involved in spawning Windows


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