On Fri, May 10, 2002 at 10:24:53AM +0000, Greg McCarroll wrote:
> However, for any Win32 using brethren we have they might like to have
> a look at this ....
>   http://open-perl-ide.sourceforge.net
> it appears to be a Win32 based Perl IDE that is reminiscent of Visual
> Studio. I don't currently have a Windows box so I can't say anything
> more but I'd be interested in peoples opinions after trying it out.

There is also


which impressed me when I had a look a few months back.

Paul (still on vi though)

Paul Makepeace ....................................... http://paulm.com/

"If I went to bed right now, then get going!"
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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