On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 06:19:39PM +0100, Greg McCarroll wrote:
> Ok, first off lets just dispense with any thoughts of following this
> with a discussion about how emacs rules and foo sucks. 
> However, for any Win32 using brethren we have they might like to have
> a look at this ....
>   http://open-perl-ide.sourceforge.net
> it appears to be a Win32 based Perl IDE that is reminiscent of Visual
> Studio. I don't currently have a Windows box so I can't say anything
> more but I'd be interested in peoples opinions after trying it out.

It also seems to have caused one of the most appaling domino-like crash
of my win98 system I've seen in ages.

Just as a data point. :-)

David H. Adler - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.panix.com/~dha/
"What is this Japanese preoccupation with the name Ken???" - Tom Servo

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