Well, I found the tie that was eating chunks of my memory and removed it.  
Thanks to Tony for pointing this out to me.   All this happened to get me 
thinking though...

What can I do to cause perl to leak memory (I mean, not keeping circular 
data structures lying around, but what constructs causes perl to lose 
memory itself.)

I was reading the mod_perl list and they reminded me that string eval was 
leaky, is this still the case?



s''  Mark Fowler                                     London.pm   Bath.pm
     http://www.twoshortplanks.com/              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
';use Term'Cap;$t=Tgetent Term'Cap{};print$t->Tputs(cl);for$w(split/  +/
){for(0..30){$|=print$t->Tgoto(cm,$_,$y)." $w";select$k,$k,$k,.03}$y+=2}

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