On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 04:44:06PM +0100, Roger Burton West wrote:
> On or about Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 03:43:36PM +0100, Nic Gibson typed:
> >I'm seriously considering strapping together some bits of CPAN and some
> >Template Toolkit and writing the damn thing myself. Anyone got any other
> >recommendations?
> Make it compatible with ical (the Tcl application) and you've sold me on
> it... I haven't seen one I liked yet.

well, the current commute time makes it possible I suspect.
I'll have a look at ical and the vcal (I think that's it) files that lots
of things seem to share.

I'm beginning to get damned close to giving up on this (the search for 
one that isn't unusable in some way or another) so it may well happen.

Or maybe I should just write a decent installer for one of the
existing ones that look plausible.

love is the shit that makes life bloom

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