[EMAIL PROTECTED] was thus ridiculed:
> "Le petit bonhomme rondouillard qui nous fait la pre'sentation est une
> pa^te d'englishman"

Try this:

Defense::de::Gourmander - stop people slurping your database

if ($ddg->over_limit($ip_address)) {
    shrug ("Bof");

    # my computer is overloaded by artificial queries
    gesticulate ("Mon ordinateur est tout-a-fait foutu, apres les
grosses questions artificielles");
    $ddg->send_response(506, "Get your own bloody atlas");

What constitutes acceptable behaviour varies from place to place. This
module deals with the situation where someone, somewhere thinks it's
acceptable to bash your search system with requests for cities with
names like "P*", and you think it isn't.

Of course, you _could_ build your database robustly enough to handle the
load - but, to be honest, it would be more English to have a vague, old,
incomprehensible rule which you enforce sporadically, and when in the



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