On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 11:11:42PM +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> I don't believe that web pages that have scripts
> in them are good.
> Unless I can run the scripts in a sandbox environment. Which, to the best of
> my knowledge I can't, and even then the presence of scripts in web pages
> prevents me from programatically validating web pages.

[I can't believe I'm about to defend this point of view, but there we are...]

I was thinking about this just this morning, and I realised that scripting
languages are pretty much essential on the client-side, if you're serious
about producing something which is even vaguely usable as a real application.

Hold on. I saw that jaw drop, in certain quarters. 

Let me explain. AFAIK, HTML is being used (wrongly, but there we are...)
for two separate things: document markup and lowest-common denominator 
UI. The former, it's pretty shit at, except for text + a few pretty pictures.

The latter, it's really, really shit at. 

It gets worse. If you care about correctness, adherence to standards, and just good 
old not having to error-correct every single thing you do, then You Must Use 
POST For Almost Everything.[1]

Without a scripting language available on the client side, the only way to
trigger a POST action from your UI is by a button push. Take a couple of minutes
to think about how even a fairly simple call-centre application would look
if every action had a <form> and associated gubbins to go with it.

Or a webmail application. Or a stock ticker. Or ....

If all you want the web to be is a vast collection of same-y looking documents,
then you can just about get by without clientside scripting, providing you're
prepared to put up with curmudgeonly navigation. I'd like a bit more.  

Of course there are problems, not least of which is "wtf does a braille browser
do with javascript", but then, I never said it wasn't shit. It's just what we got. 

[1]  There are, of course, security (eg X-site scripting, cookie stealing, etc)
implications about GET as well, but I don't want to get into those here.

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