I've just seen the 'call to arms' on Slashdot
(http://slashdot.org/articles/02/10/07/1443229.shtml?tid=145) about the
Perl journal missing its required number of subscribers by over two thirds
and i thought i'd ask about other peoples views on The Perl Review and TPJ.
My view is that if a magazine can't get 3000 subs internationaly then it
should be left to die, if it can then good luck.

Should the two perl mags be folded in to one (Why pay for TPJ when TPR is
free? Is the competition harmful?) or should we have a scripting language
(bi-?)monthly and pull in Python (Although pyzine is quite a good read)
Ruby and maybe even TCL?

Profanity is the one language all programmers understand
--- Anon

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