Shevek said:

> This is what TIEARRAY is for. It is purely, simply and totally an
> iterator  pattern.

What?  TIEARRAY was an iterator pattern before iterator patterns
existed?  How can that be?

Actually, I'm not sure which one came first because I rarely use ties
and I don't think I've ever used a tied array, so I can't remember when
they were introduced to Perl, and I never knowingly use a design
pattern.  At a guess, I'd say that the pattern was probably a little
earlier, but had little if anything to do with tied arrays.

Which got me to wondering.  How much do really good programmers use
design patterns?  Use them as in thinking "I have problem A, I can use
disign pattern B to solve it", rather than writing code which conforms
to a pattern without explicitly aiming to do so.

For that matter, how much do people who espouse patterns conciously use
them?  Maybe expert, or even good programmers are not the target

And how many people have actually read that book all the way through?
And of those, how many can remember the names of half the patterns?

And anyway, in my day "pattern" was spelt "recipe" :-)

Hmmm.  I wonder what brought all that on?

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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