On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Paul Johnson wrote:
> For that matter, how much do people who espouse patterns conciously
> use them?  Maybe expert, or even good programmers are not the target
> audience.

I espouse them and use them. The target audience is all programmers, as
one of their aims is to provide a common language. If a junior
programmer knows what a command pattern looks like, a team leader can
hand out a work packet with just enough of a description to get the job
done the right way. The junior programmer doesn't need to know that the
team leader is using command patterns to separate M from C in MVC, just
that he's been asked for a command.

> And how many people have actually read that book all the way through?
> And of those, how many can remember the names of half the patterns?

I did. Some of the patterns are more useful than others, and I remember
the commonly used patterns more easily. However, the book's on my desk,
and I can flick to the inside cover whenever I think there's an
applicable pattern, but I've forgotten its name.

> And anyway, in my day "pattern" was spelt "recipe" :-)

Sort of. Patterns are small ideas. They work well in combination. Many
recipes are larger, and solve whole problems.

Nigel Wetters, Senior Programmer, Development Group
Rivals Digital Media Ltd, 151 Freston Road, London W10 6TH
Tel. 020 8962 1346 (direct line), Fax. 020 8962 1311
http://www.rivalsdm.com/ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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