On 09/10/2002 at 09:31 -0700, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

>I have the same reaction when a disclaimer exceeds the length of the
>message content.  We had a saying on another mailing list that
>to participate on a list, you can't have boilerplate disclaimers,
>and that if you wanted to participate but couldn't turn it off, you
>moved to a free email address and joined from there.
>Maybe that should be the policy here too.

A saying, or a policy? In any case, I'm inclined not to go that far. 
Next thing someone will get annoyed enough at supercite to want to 
ban that, and where would we be :)

For the record, there is a mention of long disclaimers in the mailing 
list FAQ (http://london.pm.org/about/list.html):

        Do not use overlong signatures. Keep them to within four lines, use
        the standard "-- \n" seperator to mark the start of the sig, or
        both. (Some people have Evil Corporate Disclaimers they can't
        remove. These people are, however, still able to use the standard
        sig seperator; please do so.)

Martin didn't use "-- \n", but he has said he'll try and post from 
Hotmail in future. As far as I'm concerned either of those approaches 
is fine.
:: paul
:: we're like crystal

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