> WRT to CPAN, as a system administrator, you do basically want to maintain
> the smallest number of independent bits of software on the machines you
> run, but when a CPAN module depends on several others, each of which depends
> on several others etc, you can have a potential nightmare on your hands.[1]
> [1] In this case, I'm counting stuff in the core as part of the core, and
>     not as an independent software package.
> I'm curious to know what people's solutions are to this problem, as it seems
> to go against code-reuse. I can only imagine that the right answer is some
> sort of compromise.

Generally, when big chunks of code are coming together ....  the
name/variable space needs to guarantee uniqueness ... in this way code
won't glob over the top of previous code (e.g., Java's packaging system
helps to police this due to the assumption about namespaces - in reverse 
dns order: com.companyname.modulename) 

Because the namespace resolves to directories and files ... loading and 
pre-requisite checking can be automated ... in the case of Perl the 
namespace can't be guaranteed in the same way as Java ...


Nigel Hamilton
Turbo10 Metasearch Engine

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