On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Paul Makepeace wrote:

> > This puts me in mind of the extreme programming "you're never going to use
> > that" essay.  A 20 character idiom that works on all the platforms you're
> > planning on it running on can either be used directly, or you can call the
> Perhaps an indirect side-effect of this approach is that people will see
> that 20-character idiom and then copy it. Which would be a shame, since
> it's wrong. (The one posted misses colons as separators, and there are
> plenty of Macs about that use that, not to mention DOS J: drive
> prefixes etc.)

Using idioms that way is indeed Bad and Wrong.  The way I see them, and
I'd kind-of assumed that perl programmers who aren't of the cargo cult
variety see them, is as a bit of magic that they might not have been able
to originally come up with, but which when you are presented with, makes
sense, and in a lot of cases, teaches you something about the power of the
command it's built around.

> If people are going to learn by copy/paste then it's preferable surely
> they copy use Module;...

If it's an area they know nothing about, then they'll undoubtedly learn a
lot from reading the pod, avoid common assumptions about the problemspace,
and possibly even find that the module solves more of their problem than
they were originally having difficulty with.

> For example, couple of months back I spent an unholy amount of time
> debugging some damn tool that hardwired assumptions about its
> filesystems (hfs,ufs,ext2, etc) so that when a couple of machines were
> installed with ext3 it failed, but in an unbelievably oblique way.
> It's time like those you come away frothing "just use a frickin' module..."

Surely you read[2][4] the documentation[1] which included all the
assumptions[3] the software was based around.

the hatter

[1] because it always exists
[2] and it's always read
[3] and it's always complete, and current
[4] mmmm, non-sequential footnotes as a literary technique

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