> On Sunday, October 6, 2002, at 07:06  pm, Kate L Pugh wrote:
> I wanted a test that's like use_ok, but which fails if any warnings (such
> as that below in [0]) come up during the 'use'.  But I only wanted it
> to fail once, however many warnings I got, and I wanted it to pass (as
> opposed to not be run) if I got no warnings.  This is what I did:

If you can live with two tests (one for the successful use, one for 
whether it caused warnings or not) you can use Test::Warn to produce 
something quite readable. For example:

   use strict;
   use Test::More tests => 2;
   use Test::Warn;

   BEGIN {
        warnings_are { use_ok('My::Module') } [], "My::Module raised no 



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