At 15:13 19/10/02, Nicholas Clark wrote:
There's been various very useful comments about ADSL on the list. However...

NTL now seem to be offering a 128K cable modem service for only £14.99 a

However, as they appear to be expecting you to have a Mac or a Windows PC

They probably just don't know how to support Unix, or don't want to teach their support staff how to.

 I'm aware
of people using Linux boxes on the ends of NTL cable modems,

I'm one. Happy customer for a year or so. I use a Pace Set Top Box for TV and Internet.
I have a Linux box as a firewall.

1: If these devices will run attached via Ethernet to any machine running any
   OS? [or does the device require their software to help bootstrap it]

You sadly need a windows box to register which is when they grab the Mac address of the NIC
so you will either need to transfer the NIC across, or the MAC address if you know how.

2: If the service requires their software to be run (on either MacOS or
Windows) to do the initial setup and service activation?
[or do you just tell your OS where the DHCP server is and wizzo you're away]

When you first connect up you don't normally get DHCP until the registration process is complete.

3: If the service is locked to a particular NIC on an Ethernet card?
If my NTL service is I don't see why this wouldn't be.

> I think there's a fifth question, but I've forgotten it.

And no money goes to BT. Hooray.


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