From: "Greg McCarroll" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> i must admit i'd be kind of worried if i had children and they had
> email accounts receiving spam advertising all the usual suspects
> from the internet porn & sex product/procedure industries

The thing that gets me about the American government's stance (or lack of
it) regarding this, is that in 1986 Jello Biafra was arrested and charged
with "Distribution of harmful matter to minors" [1], for including a poster
of the H.R. Giger artwork "Penis Landscape" with the album Frankenchrist,
which had been exhibited in many art galleries around the world, including
America. Yet the American government seem considerably less than eager to do
anything about explicit images being delivered to children's mailboxes.
Makes you wonder how much involvement the CIA, FBI, and various other
government bodies with acronyms, have in the porn industry.

The rest of the world could do with getting their collective act together

[1] On his "High Priest of Harmful Matter Album" spoken word album, Jello
explains what happened during the bust, the arrest and the court case, in
which he was finally acquitted. Worth a listen if you can hold of it.


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