Having finally looked at the secondary log files for the Virtual Host, I
discovered it's printing an error of

Undefined subroutine &Apache::Registry::handler called

Apache::Registry.pm is definitely there, and everything runs fine without
the PerlModule calls to Apache::DB and Apache::DProf. I was running via my
benchmark script so didn't notice it was coming back with Internal Server
Error, oops.

The httpd.conf entries, which might get someone to call me an idiot, are:

<VirtualHost *>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/elizium/html
    ServerName localhost
    ErrorLog /var/www/elizium/logs/error.log
    CustomLog /var/www/elizium/logs/access.log common

        use lib '/var/www/elizium/cgi-bin', '/var/www/elizium/cgi-bin/lib',
'/var/www/elizium/cgi-bin/plugins', '/var/www/elizium/conf';

    PerlModule Apache::DB
    PerlModule Apache::DProf
    PerlModule Apache::DBI

    PerlRequire /var/www/elizium/cgi-bin/startup.pl
    PerlFreshRestart On

    Alias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/elizium/cgi-bin/
    <Location /cgi-bin>
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlHandler Apache::Registry
       Options +ExecCGI
       PerlSendHeader On

startup.pl just contains

use CGI;
use Data::Dumper qw(DumperX);


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