* Alexander C. Von Pichl ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>    Greg,
>    I found your email address online where you were discussing the trick
>    on how to remove a cork from a wine bottle.  I had a buddy pull the
>    trick on me today and I wanted to figure our how to do it.  Would you
>    mind giving me the answer?  I would appreciate it.

I'll send this to the list, in case anyone else is interested *shrug*.

To remove a cork from an empty wine bottle (well the fact i'm telling
this story almost implies the bottle will be empty), without breaking
cork or bottle and with instruments you might find on your person (for
example, most people do not have vacuum pumps on their person, at
least not in public), simply do the following ...

        Take one handkerchief (not a paper one obviously).
        Curve one corner of the hankerchief up so it makes a sort of
         scoop shape

                        / \ <--- normal corner of the hanky
                       /   \
                      /     \
                     /   X   \
                    /    X    \
       fold --->   |\    X    /| <--- fold
                   | \       / |
                   |  \     /  |

        Insert the `scoop' into the bottle and jiggle the bottle 
         around until the cork lands length ways into the scoup
         along the X's. The scoop should only be a bit bigger
         than the cork, my X's are not representative of the size
         of the cork.

        Now gently pull on the hanky, the trick is to get it squeezed
         between the cork and the glass neck of the bottle, once its 
         tightly squeezed there you should be able to apply force and 
         drag the cork out with the hanky, cork and bottle all in 
         once piece.

I have heard people claiming to be able to do it with a shoe lace in
the form of a lasso, but i don't believe this is as effective as the


Greg McCarroll                         http://www.mccarroll.org.uk/~gem/
                                   jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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