The traditional restrictions on web usernames are things like only
alphanumerics, and usually lowercase to reduce user confusion/burden

I was wondering, why? They seem quite arbitrary in the modern day world.
Why not allow (embedded) whitespace, punctuation, and so on?

The only thing I can see so far being a problem is if the username was
later used for an email address. But, taking that possibility out, what
other reasons are there for these restrictions?

s/^\s+//, s/\s+$//, s/[^\w ]//g, $_ = lc $_ for $signup{username};
unless ($signup{username}) {
    $messages = "Your username must contain some letters and/or numbers."; 
    $signuperror{username} = 1;


Paul Makepeace .......................................

"If I dream the me will come out and I will be free, then I shall
 takeover Spain."

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