On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Neil Ford wrote:

> I'm a little rusty at this as I've now migrated to a 6310i and bluetooth.
> Haven't taken the plunge with GPRS, still using a standard dial-up. I'll
> have a trawl through the UKPUG archives and see if there's anything useful
> in there.

Look for magic like AT+CGATT=1, AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet",""
(for vodafone, YCMV), then dial *99#. Those strings in google might help 


I am the Borg.

sub AUTOLOAD{my$i=$AUTOLOAD;my$x=shift;$i=~s/^.*://;print"$x\n";eval
qq{*$AUTOLOAD=sub{my\$x=shift;return unless \$x%$i;&{$x}(\$x);};};}

foreach my $i (3..65535) { &{'2'}($i); }

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