On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Shevek wrote:

> > 1. An init string for the modem. I have no idea if they actually have
> > any effect.
> They have. Although some of them just remedy things which might or might
> not have been the default setup on your phone. e.g. my Motorola doesn't
> need AT+CGATT=1, but I can really fuck things up by sending variants of
> that.

My psion doesn't like the normal gprs conversation, either.  Set up the
profile on the phone, set up the init and call bits on the psion.  Dial it
once, it looks like it might work, but doesn't.  Then any attempts to use
tcp (even with normal gsm) give some bogus error message, which can only
be undone with a soft reset.

If anyone knows how to get t68/psion/gprs working together, then there's a
small reward up for grabs.

the hatter

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