Andy Wardley wrote:
That's not so bad, but I couldn't get a straight
answer out of anyone on the mod_perl list as to what I should call the second module: Apache2::Template, Apache:DamnWeBrokeIt::Template,
or something else?
Well, the real problem is that CPAN doesn't allow more than one version of any given module (which is silly). Normally if you break backward compatability you release version 3 (or whatever) of your software, clearly notifying users of the loss of compatability, and telling users how long version 2 will be supported. Then you let people choose what version to use.

I would release a shiny new non-backward compatible Apache::Template to CPAN and put something in block caps in the readme saying 'Go fetch the old version from my website if you want backward compatability'.

Anything less merely encourages stick-in-the mud resistance to change :-)

Jon 'all this a mere shadow of the Perl6 reckoning to come' Peterson.

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