On 02/12/2002 at 17:07 +0000, David Cantrell wrote:
On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 03:03:28PM +0000, S. Joel Bernstein wrote:
 At 30/11/2002 17:56 [], David Cantrell wrote:
 >The Two Towers opens on the 18th.  I suggest that I book tickets for the
 >19th, which is a Thursday.  Alternatiely, we could go on Mon 23rd, but
 >that's probably a wee bit too close to christmas for people.
 >Anyway, the film is three hours long, plus trailers and crap, so we'll
 >need to go to a showing at or before 6pm so that we can fit food in

 Do enough L.PMers live in North London to make it possible to choose a
 venue in, say, Camden or Chalk Farm or somewhere like that?
I'm sure that the northerners could do that.  I, however, will be orgynising
one in Streatham, cos it's close to where I live.
Speaking for my arse, I'm not sure it can take another three hours of swoopy fantasy bollocks, whether it's fifteen minutes walk from my house or the other side of the city (and, more importantly, saaaaf o' the river).

Of course, that's only my arse talking. Other, more hardy (Scandinavian, even) arses might be up for the troll-slashing bloodbath the trailer seems to promise, and even prepared to herd some rabid hobbits into a cinema.

:: paul
:: we're like crystal

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