>> On 2002-12-02 21:40:47, Paul Makepeace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

   > I should point out I was shooting for "first post" to get it in
   > before Shevek, Tony, Chris et al rather than any real attempt at
   > technical accuracy :-) :-)

Why, I'm honoured to be included with such eminent mathematicians[1].
I'm only a lowly CS undergrad.  :-)

   > P (I think it's right though...)

Me too.  Another common feature of these sorts of puzzles is tricking
you with a division error or something.  This one took me longer than 
it should have done:  (with lame markup from the original left intact)

assume two numbers a & b, where a = b.

step 1:     a = b
step 2:     a2 = ab              [ after you multiply both sides by a ]
step 3:     a2 - b2 = ab - b2           [ subtract b2 from both sides ]
step 4:     (a + b)(a - b) = b(a - b)             [ factor both sides ]
step 5:     (a + b) = 1b               [ divide both sides by (a - b) ]
step 6:     2b = 1b                       [ since a = b, (a + b) = 2b ]
step 7:     2 = 1                  [ after you divide both sides by b ]

- Chris.
  [1]: You were talking about me rather than another Chris, right?  :-)
$a="printf.net";  Chris Ball | chris@void.$a | www.$a | finger: chris@$a
|  "We just typed make"  -- Stephen Lambrigh, Director of Server Product
|  Marketing at Informix, about porting Informix to Linux.

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