On Sun, Dec 08, 2002 at 05:17:19PM +0000, Tamsin wrote:
 Does anyone know how I'd go about finding out the time zone offset
 for a given time zone name?
Time::Zone and Time::ZoneInfo look promising.
Time::Zone claims to return offsets, but as far as I can tell it looks at the environment variable to tell you the local time zone, I don't want to know this, I know the local time, I want to know what the times is somewhere that isn't local.

It also doesn't seem to use the zone.tab files at all, and has hard coded stuff with the 3 or 4 letter time zone codes where as I want to use the zone names (I don't for example know if I want BST or GMT for the UK)...

Time::ZoneInfo reads the zone files, and returns a lists of zones but I can't seem to work out if it should return an offset or not. The example code implies that it should but I can't see anywhere in the module that actually does this...

I am easily confused tho.

 > The future's bright,  the future's orange!

You are Leon and I claim my five pounds.
I am not.  Be afraid for I am another minion of orangeness.

The future's bright,  the future's orange!


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