On Tue, 10 Dec 2002, Andy Wardley wrote:

> Tamsin wrote:
> > its not actually that easy and have better things to do than to work out
> > the time zones for 6000 places for which I only have a longitude
> > and latitude
> If at first you don't succeed, re-define the problem to make it easier :-)

Alternatively, let the site users tell you what the time offset is.  First
user to enter a city gets to set it.  First person after its set to claim
it's gone DST sets it.  First person to unset that after 5 months has
passed gets to reset it.  All other alteration suggestions get bounced to
you to validate.  Think of it as an Open time database, its accuracy will
be determined by the number of users who care about any particular datum.

Like my barcode db thing, why should I care about the quality of the data
that I don't use, when I can write a simple system that lets the people
who do care, care.  Much like a wiki, in fact.

the hatter

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