On 13/01/2003 at 11:05 +0000, Andy Wardley wrote:

In short, the Disney corporation is making sure that no-one ever does
to them what Walt Disney did to others.  The term of copyright law has
been extended 11 times in the last 40 years, coincidentally around the
time that the copyright on the first Disney movies was about to expire.
I believe it was Aaron Schwartz who put it more forcefully on his blog:

Copyright term has been extended for 40 years in the last 40 years.

If this goes on, nothing that is not already in the public domain will emerge again. Now, if you're a book author whose works are likely to make money forever, and who wants their grandchildren to have a licence to print money, that's maybe fair enough. But I doubt Dave Cross is the only person on his list who doubts whether his book is going to be out of date in 10 years, let alone 100. In fact, even amongst authors, I expect he's in the vast majority.

Ho hum.

:: paul
:: we're like crystal

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