At 11:00 18/01/03, Simon Wilcox wrote:
On Sat, 18 Jan 2003, Simon Wistow wrote:

> It's been a while since I've done a full blown web app, especially with
> a templating system, and I'd appreciate some advice.
> Single CGI with a load of if/else statments based on mode or something
> ...
> my $q    = new CGI();
> my $mode = $q->param('mode');
> my $template = Template->new($config);
> my $template = 'default'
> my $vars     = {};
> if ($mode eq 'foo') {
>       $template      = 'foo';
>       $vars->{quux}  = 'something';
> } elsif ($mode eq 'bar') {
>       $template      = 'bar';
>       $vars->{quux}  = 'something else';
>       $vars->{quirk} = 5;
> }
> $template->process($template, $vars)
>              || die $template->error();
> Or individual CGIs for every single template?
> There are quite a few templates, about 20 or 30 if that makes a
> difference.

I've been converted to using dispatch tables for this sort of thing. See
Ziggy's paper at:
So this is one primitive way of creating the "controller" object in the Model-View-Controller pattern for web apps.
Are there any off the shelf MVC systems? I know of TemplateToolkit and other View systems, and DBI::Class and similar can be used for Model side of things, but the controller is always missing in perl.

For instance what if you wanted to do a role based authentication/authorisation system. Does everyone write if from scratch each time?


PS My mail package displayed both the authors of this thread as "Simon Wi..." so it is no wonder I have difficulty telling them apart.

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