On Sat, 18 Jan 2003, Alex McLintock wrote:

> Are there any off the shelf MVC systems? I know of TemplateToolkit and
> other View systems, and DBI::Class and similar can be used for Model
> side of things, but the controller is always missing in perl.

Zope? Yeah yeah, it's mostly Python, but it's pretty good and it seems
to do each of these roles (unless I misunderstand the roles -- I haven't
really delved into the "patterns" meme/cult...). Boston.pm was presented
with a Zope demonstration six months or so ago, and the audience -- all
skeptical Perl nerds, mind you -- were pretty universally impressed.

Two of the most common questions after the demo were "why doesn't Perl
have something like this?" and "how come we have to rebuild everything
from scratch on top of mod_perl?"

This may be the part where Darren Chamberlain speaks up, as he's part
of the group that is implementing a Zope system at work. I'm just the
ad monkey...

Chris Devers    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Internet, n.
The anarchic mother of all networked networks, dedicated to the memory
and upholding the aims of the Catalan and Basque insurgents in the
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).

"Mother" is to be taken here in the Black-American elliptical sense.
Apart from a few O'Reilly & Associates authors, nobody really
understands or needs to know how Internet works (stretching the word
"works" beyond its usual semantic web). Individual users are content to
acquire access via a chain of generous nodal gateways, each of which
may or may not form part of the user's Internet "address." The Catch-22
is that inter-communication is rarely possible until either party has
successfully reached the other. A typical Internet message, therefore,
consists of a two-page header listing each store-and-forward gateway
routing (with many disconcerting "Apparently-to" strings), followed by
a paintive one-liner: "Let me know if you don't receive this."

    -- from _The Computer Contradictionary_, Stan Kelly-Bootle, 1995

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