At 00:05 28/01/03, David H. Adler wrote:
On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 11:37:57AM +0000, Kate L Pugh wrote:
> A suggestion from Ben - the Fitzroy Tavern.  It's another Sam Smith's
> pub, but Ben says the beer is decent, so I'll leave him to defend that
> point of view.  It's on Charlotte Street, parallel to Tottenham Court Road:

Since you guys are in england, I suppose you wouldn't know this, but
it's also the location of the monthly Doctor Who meet. :-)

dha, likes Sam Smith beers, actually.

Didn't know there was one. I go to the regular science fiction book fan meeting which happens on the first Thursday of the month. (Bit of an irritating coincidence that).

It will also be worth going to Picocon at Imperial College on the 22 Feb which is also the same weekend as Redemption - a Blake's Seven Babylon Five convention *near* London, but not in it....

There are several media gatherings which I don't really participate in including a reasonably regular Star Trek gathering which I heard was in Pages Bar, and there is a reasonably active Star Wars fanclub Delta Force (URL forgotten)

Del Cotter has started to collate UK based SF fan gatherings which may include a Dr Who pub meet. Try news:uk.people.sf-fans or

PS I have lots of fantasy books which need reviewing for too.

Alex McLintock


This year Picocon 20 is on the 22nd February 2003 to be held at Imperial College, London, UK. We have two Guests of Honour: Jack Cohen and Gwyneth Jones.
There will also be other events throughout the day, such as networked games and a pub-style quiz, and we will be showing a film in the evening. Picocon membership is £2.00 to ICSF members, £5.00 concessions (other students, DHSS, OAP), and £8.00 for everyone else. Admission to the film only is £3.50.
For more information please see our web page at: 20.html or email me. In particular, the web page will be updated as soon as we've confirmed the film we're showing. Alternatively, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions."

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